April might be the cruelest month, according to T.S. Eliot, but it's the perfect time to celebrate all things poetry. From metrical poems to free verse to slam poetry, I think it's very easy to find something you will enjoy. And while I might be incredibly picky when it comes to what poetry I like, there is no "right" poetry to read. All that said, here are a couple of poets who consistently blow me away.
Fatimah Asghar
Last year I made it my goal to read poetry from poets I didn't hear about in school, and Asghar's If They Come for Us was the standout for me. Her poems are bold, her voice is strong, and she tells stories I haven't heard before or seen in the spotlight. I hope to see more poetry collections from her in the coming years.
Mary Oliver
I only started reading Mary Oliver poems this year, and I have been missing out. I live for nature poems, and Oliver has a way of looking at the beauty of the outdoors and translating that into words. Her poems are filled with great images and she avoids using overly-flowery or emotional language, which is something I greatly appreciate.
T.S. Eliot
Listen, I know that Eliot is the most cliche response when it comes to answering the quesiton "Who is your favorite poet?" But you know what? I still get chills when I think of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and how the internal rhymes make the poem feel like how a harp sounds. To me, Eliot's poems are as close to music as you can get without actually writing a song.
And keep in mind these are just a handful of my favorite poets. There are so many more incredible writers and artists out there. Check out any of these titles and see what grabs you. Happy Poetry Month!