So last year, this book, Girl, Wash Your Face came out. Written by online social maven, Rachel Hollis, this book was on everybody’s Best of Lists (not mine because I didn’t read it until this year). It wasn’t groundbreaking in any way, but I do see how it could appeal. The part I thought was most interesting, though, was that she’d written a trilogy of fiction books loosely based on her days as a party planner when she first came to LA.
I remembered her saying that when she started pitching her first novel, Party Girl, all the publishers rejected it because there wasn’t enough sex. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a prude and have read my share of naughty fiction books. But sometimes I feel like those books are only about the sex and they lack any kind of real story, so I was curious about Rachel’s fiction.
Party Girl – the basic premise: Landon has landed an internship with the top event planner in Hollywood. At first she’s thrilled, but as she routinely works 80-hour weeks with a boss who’s never happy and makes sure everyone knows it, the shine starts to wear off. Eventually she comes to the point where she has to decide how much of her soul she’s willing to sell to make this dream happen.
I think part of what I liked was that it reminded me of my time in the music industry. I had a boss as horrible as hers and ultimately, I decided that I was not willing to lose myself for a brief shot at fame and fortune.
The second book in the series – Sweet Girl – follows Landon’s roommate and friend, Max. Max wants to be a baker and she’s determined to do it with or without her family’s support. I really enjoyed this installment as well – hello, food book.
I fully appreciated these first two books, and to be honest, I didn't even miss the sex part.
But Amanda, you say, didn't you mention this was a trilogy? Sigh. Yes I did. I have to tell you about the third book – Smart Girl – because I want you to get the whole story. However, this one comes with a warning. I hated this book. It’s nowhere near as good as the first two. The funny thing is that there is lots of sex in this book. Maybe there’s something to my sex as plot focus theory after all. Read it if you must (I did, after all), but just know it won’t make you feel all fuzzy inside. I wish the author would rewrite this one and make Miko as cool as she was in the first two books.
Just for kicks, Hollis also has a new book out called Girl, Stop Apologizing. Again, nothing really mind-blowing, but it was a good refresher course to stand up for yourself and take some risks every now and then. Any of these books (except Smart Girl) would be worth your time.
Happy Partying Girl…
:) Amanda