NPL Staff Share Favorite Children’s Books for Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week
NPL Staff Share Favorite Children’s Books for Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week
Words that captivate, educate, and entertain. Pictures that inspire, delight, and charm. Put them together in a book, and you’ve created something that children will cherish long after the last page is finished.
Every year, in the first week of February, booklovers from all over the world celebrate Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week. Sponsored by the Children’s Authors Network (CAN!), the annual celebration sees children’s authors, illustrators, and readers come together to share a love of words and pictures that inspire children to learn about and explore their world.
As you can imagine, the team at Nashville Public Library (NPL) are big fans of children’s books. Whether they’re for education or purely entertainment, children’s books instill a love of reading and learning in kids of all ages that will last the rest of their lives. We adore that!
Today, we’re sharing some of our favorite illustrated children’s titles and sharing what makes them so special. Once you’re done reading this post, be sure to check them out in our online catalog for yourself.
Main Library
Elyse Adler, the former Assistant Director for Education & Literacy at NPL, recommends King Bidgood's in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood. "I used to read this book to my kids when we were getting ready to take a bath," Elyse said. "The text is rhythmic and there's repetition, so my kids could participate in the reading. I have read this book hundreds of times and I still love it!"
Elyse retired in December 2020 after more than 37 years of devoted service to NPL. We’d like to thank her for all she’s done to serve our library and our community.
Main Library
Pat Bashir, Manager of Children's at Main, recommends Dreamers|Soñadores by Yuyi Morales. It is a story of finding resilience and courage when we want to reach our dreams and start a new life. This book has a special place in her heart because libraries help us reach our dreams!
Dreamers | Soñadores is also the current Nashville Reads selection. Check out our spring lineup and finale on the Nashville Reads website!
Madison Branch Library
Miss Lisa’s pick is Winter with Lily and Milo by Pauline Oud. This sweet little book encapsulates the perfect winter play day and gives children the opportunity to ask and answer their own questions. What do we wear in the snow? How do we make a snowman? Five stars!
Main Library
Klem-Marí Cajigas, NPL's Family Literacy Coordinator, recommends Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martínez Neal. Klem-Marí says, "Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela has a very long name, and it doesn't fit on the page when she writes. But her dad tells her about all the extraordinary family members for whom she was named, and she decides maybe it's just the right name for her."
Edmondson Pike Branch Library
Corrie Jones, a library associate for the Edmondson Pike Branch Library, has chosen the book Maria Had a Little Llama | María tenía una llamita by Angela Dominguez because she loves the joyful depiction of traditional Peruvian life.
Edmondson Pike Branch Library
Sade at Edmondson Pike Branch Library loves the No, David! books; she finds them very relatable. "This was me as a child, except David doesn't care he's doing bad things, and I didn't know I was doing them."
Bellevue Branch Library
Andrew from Bellevue branch loves the book Cinnamon by Neil Gaiman. He loves how the author creates wonder and mystery in such a short book. Andrew says, "I love Cinnamon because of the ferocious yet lovable main character. Oh, and there's a tiger!"
Main Library
Joanna’s favorite book is Drawn Together, written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Dan Santat. Joanna says, “In Drawn Together, a Thai-speaking grandfather and his English-speaking grandson learn to communicate through their mutual love of drawing. This story beautifully illustrates the power of pictures and their ability to foster human connection. It reminds me of my own childhood, using nonverbal cues to communicate with my Korean grandmother, showing love with smiles.”
Main Library
Noel chose Fifty Famous Fairy Tales illustrated by Robert J. Lee. Noel says, “I loved any books about fairy tales or folk tales, and this book’s illustrations were beautiful. The stories covered the globe and introduced me to new worlds and magical possibilities.”
NPL does not currently have a copy of this title in our collection. If you'd like to read it, you can request a copy through Interlibrary Loan. This free service allows NPL to ask other libraries that have a copy of requested titles to let us borrow and loan them to our customers.
Richland Park Branch Library
Ms. Lou Anne at Richland Park branch library chose The Quiet Place by Sarah Stewart with illustrations by David Small. A family moving from Mexico to the U.S. misses home. Their daughter, Isabel, needs a quiet place as she successfully adapts to her new home and the changes in her life.
Richland Park Branch Library
Kate selected Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book as her favorite pick. Check it out today!
Green Hills Branch Library
Miss Kristi at the Green Hills Children's Department has a new favorite read-aloud! With an out-of-this-world plot (it begins with cake, as all great things do) and funny illustrations, Llama Destroys the World is great fun for kids and adults alike!
Whether you want more children’s titles your kids will love, literacy tips you can use at home, or library events that your whole family can enjoy, our Children’s Department is here for you. Sign up for our monthly newsletter to get event listings, literacy resources, and fun activities you can do at home.